
Onward - 8º ano

Número de páginas:
João Carvalho
  • Unit 1 - Like an artist
  • Conversations
  • What I think about art
  • Reading time
  • Text – This is not a pipe
  • Comprehension
  • Writing time
  • What is art?
  • Grammar
  • Adjectives
  • Pratice
  • Exercise
  • Exercise
  • Writing time
  • A synopsis
  • Listening and pronunciation
  • Sounds of English
  • Cultural dimension
  • Why art has the power to change the world?


  • Unit 2 - Life is a song
  • Conversations
  • Music listening habits survey
  • Reading time
  • Text – 93 million miles
  • Comprehension
  • Writing time
  • What kind of music do you like to listen to?
  • Grammar
  • Degrees of the adjectives – Superlative
  • Pratice
  • Exercise
  • Writing time
  • What are you good at?
  • Listening and pronunciation
  • Sounds of English
  • Cultural dimension
  • Top 10 destinations for music lovers


  • Unit 3 - Everybody likes movies
  • Conversations
  • Cine Friends Group
  • Reading time
  • Text – Summaries
  • Comprehension
  • Writing time
  • Your favorite movie
  • Grammar
  • Plans and predictions for the future
  • Pratice
  • Exercise
  • Writing time
  • Coming soon!
  • Listening and pronunciation
  • Sounds of English
  • Cultural dimension
  • The difference in movie ticket prices around the world


  • Unit 4 - Everybody is a storyteller
  • Conversations
  • Literary Café
  • Reading time
  • Text – Peter Pan
  • Comprehension
  • Writing time
  • Are you a storyteller?
  • Grammar
  • Simple future with going to
  • Pratice
  • Exercise
  • Writing time
  • Once upon a time
  • Listening and pronunciation
  • Sounds of English
  • Cultural dimension
  • The all-time most popular books in the world


  • Unit 5 - Helping each other
  • Conversations
  • Making the world a better place
  • Reading time
  • Text – Fighting child marriage
  • Comprehension
  • Writing time
  • A voluntary work
  • Grammar
  • Relative pronouns
  • Pratice
  • Exercise
  • Writing time
  • Famous volunteers in history
  • Listening and pronunciation
  • Sounds of English
  • Cultural dimension
  • Best volunteer abroad programs organizations projects


  • Unit 6 - Taking care of your health
  • Conversations
  • Are you ready to make a healthy lifestyle change?
  • Reading time
  • Text – Paracetamol bottle
  • Comprehension
  • Writing time
  • A healthy lifestyle
  • Grammar
  • Quantifiers (some/ any/ no/ none)
  • Pratice
  • Exercise
  • Writing time
  • Being a caring friend
  • Listening and pronunciation
  • Sounds of English
  • Cultural dimension
  • 8 healthy habits from women around the world that you should definitely steal


  • Unit 7 - Exploring the Earth
  • Conversations
  • The place I love the most
  • Reading time
  • Text – South America Topography
  • Comprehension
  • Writing time
  • A special travel experience
  • Grammar
  • Phrasal verbs
  • Pratice
  • Exercise
  • Writing time
  • A game review
  • Listening and pronunciation
  • Sounds of English
  • Cultural dimension
  • Some exotic places


  • Unit 8 - We all have dreams
  • Conversations
  • Have ever thought about the future?
  • Reading time
  • Text – New Year Resolutions
  • Comprehension
  • Writing time
  • Thinking about the future
  • Grammar
  • Would
  • Pratice
  • Exercise
  • Writing time
  • It was only a dream?
  • Listening and pronunciation
  • Sounds of English
  • Cultural dimension
  • The 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations


  • Homework

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